Saturday, July 09, 2005

Pictures and Stats

To see pictures go to
July 6th
70.34 mi, Avg 13.6, Saddle time 7hrs
July 7th
66.16 mi, Avg 12.3, Saddle time 8.5hrs
July 8th
82 mi, Avg 11.1, Saddle time 11hrs

Lessons learned thus far
Pull your feet out of the peddals before falling
Don't ride with your brake partially on
Don't put off fixing your bike


At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy, what a relief to hear from you. I was picturing you lying beside the road with a knife in your back. I am so thankful you're seeing the better side of human kind. I know those mountains are simply breath taking. Just sit and meditate.

At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hadlock -

Kyle Berkte here. This is cool as sh/t. I'm hooked on your journey and can't wait to read more about your adventures. I just fwd your link to a bunch of people, hopefully they'll enjoy following your adventure and maybe be able to give you a place or two to crash, I mean sleep, along the way.

keep on truckin',

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gotta love that rain. it has really poured here in spokane and i'm glad i have a solid roof over my head. predictions are for a fantastic week ahead though,so you should be a little warm and dryer across the rest of the state. i've gotten a jersey from your friend in ky. paul h

At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Great to ride with you over Loup Loup. You are off to a great adventure. I will watch your site as your travels continue.

Best wishes, Colin

At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any you looked at me funny when I told you I fell off my bike twice during my cross country trek. You have two more times to beat me. Glad you hanging in there. Steve

At 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Metzner just told me about your adventure; you are certainly a bad ass. I suggest wearing a yellow jersey and speaking a foreign language so every thinks you're just practicing for the Tour. Anyway, I'll make sure to keep up to date on your blog and try to provide a few words of encouragement (sounds like enough people have the negative comments covered).

G. Miller

At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is awesome. I was looking for bike routes from Seattle to Cincinnati, Only I would be making the ride in colder weather. Any suggestions?


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