Sunday, July 24, 2005

Weddings are fun

From Havre to Malta we had an incrdible tailwind. At one point we were traveling 30mph up hills. After 92 miles we averaged 19mph, it was nice. Once in Malta we headed for the public pool to cool off and shower. While there we started to shoot the shit with the local life guards and found out there were two wedding receptions that night. Food, Booze, and Entertainment! After bidding on the brides garder belt, getting drunk with her brother, and convincing her aunt to give us a place to stay in the next town, we decided to call it a night.
The next day the wind gods weren't as nice, but we still made some good time regardless. We show up in Glasgow trying to find a pool again, and end up running into a state patrol officer. After we enquire about a safe place to camp he offers us his front yard and a shower at his house. We didn't actually end up staying there, but thought it was pretty cool. For $2.50 we went to a local hotel, and got a shower, laundry(rubbed soap on clothes in shower), hot tub, pool, internet, entertainment (the last stage of the tour de France on OLN). It's starting to become an art to travel cheap.


At 4:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! Nathan's become a Wedding Crasher!!!

Maybe you could show us how it's done so that we all (soon to be 25 of us) could crash a wedding or two (as a group) when next we gather . . . Ha!

At 4:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOOooopps! I mean soon to be 26 of us. (. . .I shouldn't do math first thing in the morning when my blood's not circulating properly!)

At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have received that you have gone crazy & joined the Montana Militia men. Is your first mission really to prop yourself along an Interstate and shoot at random cars with a rifle? Sounds fun


At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm glad you are having such an amazing time! Your stories make me remember the good times we had in Costa Rica. I can only imagine the ridiculous stories you will have to share with us when you return. Good luck and godspeed!

Pura Vida,

"The Gardener" (AKA Kittey, AKA Brad)

P.S. At least you didn't go home with the bride, right?

At 10:49 PM, Blogger tangerland said...

It's a shame a bride's made was not included with the $2.50 hotel deal. Rotten luck, I guess.
If you find an extra... mail order her to me in Troy.
On another note, I do hope the gods continue to push you from behind. I pray all goes well and love the stories.
Llamame cuando puedas puta.
until then, I'll be wandering hollering "agua, cerveza, coca-cola."


At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nathan, your brother said something like "Ride Forest, Ride!" Thought you might gain some inspiration from that.

Mr. Papa


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