Friday, August 19, 2005

Heading across Ohio

My dad dropped me off on route to resume my trip, and I made it just east of Bowling Green last night. I won $12 at the fair playing poker. A good start to the last quarter of the trip...
I'm riding bare faced now due to a beautiful girl in Cincinnati.


At 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


She may be beautiful, but don't ride too fast. That girl in Cincinnati is going to clip your wings when you get back.

Great family photo. Tyler's a stud. Moms greasy eggs and bacon should carry you home.

Dennis Bishop

At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wing-clipping is a passive-agressive act of control and dominance, not a gracious display of respect and mutuality.

Avoid pairing up with wing-clippers. Such relationships eventually end badly.

At 7:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I suppose it's better to ride bare-faced than sh**-faced!

Congrats on the $12! (Buy yourself a treat for your pending success).

September's coming quickly. Better start riding like a madman!

At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Was bsing with your dad after Tyler's golf practice today and he told me about your journey. You rock man! It is awesome you had the cahones to get up and leave. Your site is excellent. Be safe, have a blast and I look forward to seeing your updates for the home stretch. Happy Trails!!

At 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whose the hippie dude you are standing next to? Ha ha

At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Here is a trick I learned from your dad to avoid wing clipping. When you arrive back home, immediately prostrate yourself before her beauty and bow three times saying "Yes dear, Yes dear, Yes dear." This is called feigning that your wings have been already clipped. It works everytime. Her heart will soften and she will put the clippers back in the cabinet.

I am pretty sure your dad read about it in the Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Tom used it with his old aunt Polly.

Keep on peddling brother. As they say down here in Tennessee, "We appreciate ya. Ya given us a lift there buddy."



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