To Fargo we went

After waking up at Greg and Donna's and having a delicious breakfast we made our way to the bike store. I had a tire that was supposed to come in by 11:00, and we ended up waiting till 6:00, only to find out that it was sitting inside the store the whole time. So we got a late start. Ended up camping in Granville.
The next day we had to make up for some lost mileage, and biked 106mi to Minnewauken. We stopped by the geographical center of North America in Rugby, and arrived late into town only to find the one night a year where they really party Summerfest. The whole downtown was blocked off. Band with fog, lights & stage was set up, and goat was caged for the town raffle. (Squares were marked under the beast, and the winner was the owner of the square in which the goat pooped) What will these people think of next. No one was dancing so we took the responsiblity upon ourselves to "get the party started". We were joined by a group of midwives that were doing training in the area, and danced to the wee hours of the night (12:00). It was hard to wake up the next morning.
The next day we headed to Red Willow Resort. On our way we stopped by the Spirit lake pow wow. As we roll up the announcer sees us coming and announces that there are 4 guys in spandex visiting. He yelled," don't worry about your bikes, my relatives will take everything within five min." He was just teasing, and ended up being a really neat cultural experience. We arrived at the resort and met the woman (Vernis) who has owned the place for the past 60years. (I think she could kick my butt) She let us camp for free, and fed us good food.
huh? . . .People party until the wee hours of the morning and then raffle off a pooping goat?
. . . .hmmmm. . . Did they tell you what the winner gets to do with the goat? . . . just curious.
Although, as peculiar as I find your goat story, I recently saw an advertisement for a local "corn-holing" contest that will take place within the next few weeks.
( . . . not sure what to think about that one either!)
As always, however, I'm hoping for the best.
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